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Model 35 Plus, USB Powerport, HUB and NUC Ready

Model 35 Plus, USB Powerport, HUB and NUC Ready
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When You Need To Keep Your Tools Organized, There’s No Better Workspace

Your workspace is meant for doing good work, so why do you seem to spend more time tidying it up than actually working? Take your electronics repair seriously with the Model 35 Plus, a dedicated workspace organizer that keeps your tools handy.

Not only will you work faster without the need to constantly pick up after yourself, but you’ll also work better. The Model 35 Plus features an innovative and ergonomic swivel arm with an adjustable visual angle so that your must-have instrument is right where you need it.

With an attractive full-metal body your Model 35 Plus will up the quality of your workspace with its prestigious, professional appearance. 

Take your electronics repair work seriously with the Model 35 Plus, a workspace organizer designed engineered and produced in the Netherlands.

✔ Handles Up To 50 Tools – Keep yourself organized with space for screwdrivers, tweezers, pliers, scissors, a heat gun, and more, thanks to the Model 35’s Plus compact design making all of your instruments easily accessible.

✔ Adjustable Work Space – The push and pull adjustability of the Model 35’s Plus swivel arm lets you keep your tools where you need them when you need them, a level of customization you won’t find elsewhere.

✔ Optional Anker USB Intelligent Charging – Expand your Model 35’s Plus functionality with an Anker 5X USB Powerport quick charge with charging system to take your workspace to the next level.

✔ Optional Anker 4x USB 3.0 HUB – Which you can use to connect to your PC or NUC, which allows you to sync, update and restore mobile devices through the station.

Caractéristiques du produit
Type de produit
Desk Organization
Desk Organization Type
Screwdriver Holsters
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